Monday, February 18, 2008

E-mail: a powerful means of communication

Communication by word of mouth or a written are outdated and replaced with the electronic media of communication. In my view one of the good and powerful modes of communication is E-mail. E-mail is a system for sending and receiving the written or text messages electronically. The advantages of emails are as follows:

Email is Fast:
Mail is delivered instantly, from your office to anywhere in the world. No other method f delivery can provide this service.

Email is Easy:
You can manage your business and your customers effectively by using E-mail. Scope of immediate feedbacks is more.

Email is Inexpensive:
Compared to telephone calls, faxes, or any other postal or courier service, Email is less expensive.

Email is Easy to Filter:
The subject line on an Email makes it easy to prioritize messages. The reader can identify critical correspondence quickly and dealt with it immediately.

E-mail Transmission is Secure and Reliable:
The level of security in transmitting Email messages is very high, and the industry continues to strive to develop even tighter security levels.

Email is private:
Emails are private means of communication as they are password protected.

Email is an Internet marketing tool that is fast, easy to use, inexpensive and effective. Email levels the playing field between the big corporations and small businesses. Anyone can use Email as the method of delivering the message there are no such restrictions.