According to statistics of 2005-2007, around 36.5% of residents in Chicago speak other languages than English, at home. It is this fact that built up a very good translation business market in Chicago . People proficient in English and two other languages used to get a translator job easily in various agencies of Chicago .
But these days the agencies ofChicago are into cost cutting measures. In this process, they are cutting their foreign language translation services at their offices. The cutbacks have started from the Chicago area medical centers, which cut their translation services. After these cutbacks, even other government agencies are also trying to cut on some of their translation services.
This definitely affects the capability to serve the non-English speaking citizens of the state. It may also affect the non-English speaking tourists, immigrants and refugees of the state. Whatever may be the impact on others, it is obvious that it is the non-English speaking people, requiring medical aid, who suffer a lot with the lack of translators.
But these days the agencies of
This definitely affects the capability to serve the non-English speaking citizens of the state. It may also affect the non-English speaking tourists, immigrants and refugees of the state. Whatever may be the impact on others, it is obvious that it is the non-English speaking people, requiring medical aid, who suffer a lot with the lack of translators.